Welcome to the RCALA Settlement Program

This is the official Portal for the RCALA Settlement Program under JCCP 5101. This Portal is intended for use by attorneys representing Settling Plaintiffs identified in Exhibit A of the Global Settlement Term Sheet. The Plaintiffs’ Liaison Committee has retained Hon. Daniel Buckley (Ret.) as the Claims Administrator and BrownGreer PLC as the Claims Processor and QSF Trustee. This Portal is the secure website for the exchange of information between counsel for Settling Plaintiffs and the Claims Processor for the RCALA Settlement Program.

If a member of your law firm has been granted access to the Portal, that person, as the Portal Administrator for your law firm, can add new users on the Firm Administration tab of the Portal in the Manage Firm Users section. Only law firms can use the Portal. It is not available for claims preparation firms, accountants, and other entities who are not parties to the litigation or part of the RCALA Settlement Program.
